In 2008 I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease. Hashimoto's is said to be a genetic disease of the thyroid that causes a person to have both low thyroid and high thyroid activity. This disease typically does not effect a person until their senior years, however I was diagnosed at 26 and after some minor investigating by my doctor I had been not only showing physical signs but blood test confirmed I had it since I was 21. If you are wondering, YES, I was livid with my previous doctors not catching this.
While there are many things Hashimoto's can cause the one associated with this blog is infertility. For many years I could not become pregnant and had no idea why. While it was not something I was hugely concerned about my husband and I did notice it. It wasn't until after three years of being treated for my Hashimoto's was I able to conceive.
With my first pregnancy I had no complications with my thyroid. I took my medication everyday and had blood test every 30 days to monitor it. Not a single problem. However, with my current pregnancy I have not been so lucky. Along with the typical symptoms of pregnancy I had all of them intensified by my thyroid going haywire. I even spent a day in the ER for dehydration from all the vomiting. I was tested weekly to monitor my thyroid and it seemed like they were never going to get the dosage right. It wasn't until about a month ago that my thyroid levels became more stable.
Now you are probably wondering what type of complications this can cause with pregnancy. Well there are many. Everything from a miscarriage to brain abnormalities are possible if the thyroid is left untreated during pregnancy. I know all that sounds scary, believe me I was terrified when my doctor told all the things that could go wrong. Despite all of that there is good news. Very good news. The medication used to treat my thyroid is nothing more then a hormone supplement. It gives my body the extra amount of hormones needed to function properly and for the baby to grow healthy. There are no side effects from taking my thyroid medication.
If you have Hashimoto's or any other type of thyroid dysfunction be sure to take your medication as your doctor prescribes. If you are looking for a more holistic solution to your thyroid there are many out there that have proven successful, HOWEVER, ALWAYS TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR FIRST!
Hope this Helps!
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