Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ahhhh....Life on the farm... More like nightmare on the farm...

 This is our farm, 15 acres of paradise!

Or is it.....

It's been two months since we moved into our new home and let me tell you... Going from city life to country life is not easy. For so long I wanted to get back to the life I remembered as a young girl growing up with my family in West Virginia. Now I feel like I am going to lose my mind. While city life is busy it doesn't compare to life on the farm. Every day the list of things that needs to be fixed, tore down, rebuilt, or is broken keeps getting longer and longer!
But wait! That's not all! Just when you find time to relax ^^^^^ This guy decides to join you in the tub! I find myself daily thinking I am going insane. However, there is hope. This place is beautiful! Every morning I wake to the sunrise and birds singing. My girls have a home that they are going to learn about life the way I did. It's so hard making this change in our life, but I know it will be worth it.

We plan to get some cows, goats, and possible a few alpaca so we can start becoming self-reliant. It's a long road and we have already had some hard lessons since we moved, but I have faith.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The NOT SO Sweet Spot...

Tattoos are so amazing... Even when they hurt there is this love for turning your body into a walking canvas. However, some pain just isn't fun. This was the case with getting my quarter sleeve, well the under arm part at least... It took 9 hours of work to finish it because I was such a baby about it. While I love it now, in the moments leading to the finish line I seriously wanted to punch my tattoo guy Ian Dykstra. The whole time he was saying "don't be such a baby". I'll admit I was being rather dramatic. But OMG!!! I't really hurt!!! Some day I really want to have a full sleeve, but when I think of how much this one hurt I'm not sure I will make it...