I have come to the conclusion that mother's day is nothing more than a way to make moms feel bad for wanting a day off.
Being a mother of 2 girls, ages 2 and 3, is nothing short of exhaustive. Everyday starts at 6 am with a disgruntled toddler or two. Climbing into be with you, stepping on your face, rummaging through your underwear drawer or worse. Oddly enough when your not woken up abruptly you wake up in a panic thinking your children have escaped the house and are heading towards the horse pasture.
So when mother's day comes around (more like the day before), people ask "aww what are you going to do on your day off" or say "go do something special for yourself" All I can say is... "are you kidding me?!" Lol
While the gesture is appreciated the reality is moms don't get days off. At least not in the way of set schedules. We take our free time when our children's time allows and that is just fine with me.
Branded Mommy
Just a little bit of everything.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Mother's Day is a joke...
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Things aren't always as they seem. The truth behind the FDA and Handcrafted soaps...
Hey everyone. I know it's been a long time since my last blog, but my news feed has been flooded this week with "FDA wants to RUIN the homemade soap makers!" Scary right?? So of course I started reading and in everything I read there wasn't anything screaming out "No Way! They can't do that!" Yet people were getting all up in arms about the FDA being driven by big money. After a few days of digging I have decided the people opposing this bill are being pretty shady... Let me lay out the facts for you all.
Now, I'm not an expert in anything and I support local businesses, products made in the USA, small farms, and pretty much anyone trying to make a living doing honest work. However, this bill really doesn't seem geared towards taking away from the little guy and to be completely honest I want to know what's in my products and where they come from regardless of how small a company is. The unfortunate reality is because of shady business practices, particular people flat out lying about a products ingredients or abilities, the FDA has had to step in and watch over people to protect those that just assume no one would ever lie about a product.
I personally support this bill and think everyone reading this should take a good long look at the facts before jumping on the propaganda wagon and if there is a bigger piece that I am missing from all this, please let me know.
- The bill being proposed is ‘‘Personal Care Products Safety Act’’ introduced by Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) and co-sponsored by Senator Susan Collins (R-ME). Click HERE to read the bill yourself
- Supported by Johnson & Johnson, Unilever, Proctor & Gambler to name a few
- Bill only applies to MANUFACTURES grossing more than $100,000 annually in FDA defined Cosmetics
- Resale of cosmetics are not included in this bill
- Companies making under $500,000 every 3 years are allowed submit simplified listings of ingredients
- The lowest tier ( $500,000 - $2.5 million annual sales) 2.4% fee but no more than $250 annually
- The highest tier ($5 billion or more annually) $1.1 million annually
- Companies grossing less than $500,000 every 3 years are exempt from the fees
- The bill is opposed by Handmade Cosmetic Alliance and Handcrafted Soap Makers Guild
- Debbie May is President & CEO of Wholesale Supplies Plus and a director for HCA
- WSP has a very, VERY poor track record HERE
- Some comments include questionable quality "I bought cocoa butter 6/2010. Expiration on it says 6/2011. It actually went rancid by 4/2011. Cocoa butters is very stable and will keep for about five years and resist going rancid. They were probably selling old butters for super high prices."
- In 2012 Debbie May claimed WSP was on track for $10 million in sales HERE
- “The HCA along with other handmade cosmetic organizations support efforts to make meaningful policy changes to enhance cosmetic safety. However, subjecting small handmade cosmetic companies which operate with less than a handful of employees to onerous regulation is not only unfair and unprecedented, but creates regulatory requirements that will force businesses to close their doors, “ said Debbie May, Executive Director of the HCA.
- The Handcrafted Soap Makers Guild is requesting the bill only apply to companies grossing over $2 million and registration be voluntary for companies grossing less than that.
Now, I'm not an expert in anything and I support local businesses, products made in the USA, small farms, and pretty much anyone trying to make a living doing honest work. However, this bill really doesn't seem geared towards taking away from the little guy and to be completely honest I want to know what's in my products and where they come from regardless of how small a company is. The unfortunate reality is because of shady business practices, particular people flat out lying about a products ingredients or abilities, the FDA has had to step in and watch over people to protect those that just assume no one would ever lie about a product.
I personally support this bill and think everyone reading this should take a good long look at the facts before jumping on the propaganda wagon and if there is a bigger piece that I am missing from all this, please let me know.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Dog breeding: Old tradition meets New World Order???
Dog breeding has always been an expensive hobby of mine and moving to the county I could only assume it would get worse. While I don't consider myself an expert, I am well versed in the world of the American Pit Bull Terrier. It's an amazing breed with loyalty that in my opinion far surpasses that of a German Shepherd or Collie. They have this amazing ability to just know when you are hurt or feeling down. Hence why I use them in my service dog program that trains APBT for veterans with PTSD/TBI free of charge. However, there is one down fall to the breed, their prey drive. Not towards people or children or even other dogs, but towards prey animals AKA livestock... It is just unreal how a dog so well trained for public service that preforms flawless when working turns into a complete animal when the presence of livestock comes into the picture. Now the possibility of one of my service dogs coming into contact with chickens in a mall are pretty slim it really got me thinking. How are breeders accommodating people in 2013?
I'm not talking about you little foo foo dogs that annoy the crap out of everyone with their yippy whinny barks. I'm talking about working dogs, all working dogs. Everything from the Rottie to the Jack Russel terrier. What are breeders doing now that is different from 100 years ago... Well to be honest, nothing.
Aside from mostly cosmetic and chic breeding purposes there have been no major leaps in the breeding community to create a more versatile breed of dog for this day in age. Think about... How much has society changed in the last 50 years? The last 20 years? People in today's age are getting dogs that are being bred for a different time. A time when things were slower and less crowded. You have people bringing a well bred dog into the city life and the dog is freaking out. Not because of bad owners or lack of training, but because the dog has been genetically programmed to be aware of it's surroundings in one way or another. This isn't just one or two breeds either. This is almost every breed of dog that people are having behavioral issues with. I will say that training does have some play in it but when dog after dog, breed after breed are have the same issues when living in the home of the modern family that tells me that the breeders are not doing their part to better the breed.
As a responsible dog breeder part of your job is to better the breed. So what does that mean? That means things like health testing for genetic disorders, spay/neuter dogs with serious faults, but also probably one of the most important and most often forgotten is the temperament of the dog. Each breed has a standard for temperament, but these temperament standards are in my opinion HIGHLY outdated. No where in any standard do you see things like "remain calm while cars whaling on their horns drive by" or "calmly walk through a crowd of rude people that are fearful of dogs" and quite honestly I don't think enough breeders think of things like that when looking for certain temperaments in their dogs.
So here is what I suggest. Start cross breeding. Start putting things together that have never been thought to put together. Sound crazy?? Well it sure is, but dogs wouldn't be what they are now if someone hadn't done something different. I'm sure I will catch hell from my fellow dog breeders, but even here on our farm and with our service dog program the traditional breeds just aren't cutting it anymore. We need to take our ideas of how to breed dogs and bring them to the reality of present day.
I'm not talking about you little foo foo dogs that annoy the crap out of everyone with their yippy whinny barks. I'm talking about working dogs, all working dogs. Everything from the Rottie to the Jack Russel terrier. What are breeders doing now that is different from 100 years ago... Well to be honest, nothing.
Aside from mostly cosmetic and chic breeding purposes there have been no major leaps in the breeding community to create a more versatile breed of dog for this day in age. Think about... How much has society changed in the last 50 years? The last 20 years? People in today's age are getting dogs that are being bred for a different time. A time when things were slower and less crowded. You have people bringing a well bred dog into the city life and the dog is freaking out. Not because of bad owners or lack of training, but because the dog has been genetically programmed to be aware of it's surroundings in one way or another. This isn't just one or two breeds either. This is almost every breed of dog that people are having behavioral issues with. I will say that training does have some play in it but when dog after dog, breed after breed are have the same issues when living in the home of the modern family that tells me that the breeders are not doing their part to better the breed.
As a responsible dog breeder part of your job is to better the breed. So what does that mean? That means things like health testing for genetic disorders, spay/neuter dogs with serious faults, but also probably one of the most important and most often forgotten is the temperament of the dog. Each breed has a standard for temperament, but these temperament standards are in my opinion HIGHLY outdated. No where in any standard do you see things like "remain calm while cars whaling on their horns drive by" or "calmly walk through a crowd of rude people that are fearful of dogs" and quite honestly I don't think enough breeders think of things like that when looking for certain temperaments in their dogs.
So here is what I suggest. Start cross breeding. Start putting things together that have never been thought to put together. Sound crazy?? Well it sure is, but dogs wouldn't be what they are now if someone hadn't done something different. I'm sure I will catch hell from my fellow dog breeders, but even here on our farm and with our service dog program the traditional breeds just aren't cutting it anymore. We need to take our ideas of how to breed dogs and bring them to the reality of present day.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Ahhhh....Life on the farm... More like nightmare on the farm...
Or is it.....
It's been two months since we moved into our new home and let me tell you... Going from city life to country life is not easy. For so long I wanted to get back to the life I remembered as a young girl growing up with my family in West Virginia. Now I feel like I am going to lose my mind. While city life is busy it doesn't compare to life on the farm. Every day the list of things that needs to be fixed, tore down, rebuilt, or is broken keeps getting longer and longer!
But wait! That's not all! Just when you find time to relax ^^^^^ This guy decides to join you in the tub! I find myself daily thinking I am going insane. However, there is hope. This place is beautiful! Every morning I wake to the sunrise and birds singing. My girls have a home that they are going to learn about life the way I did. It's so hard making this change in our life, but I know it will be worth it.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
The NOT SO Sweet Spot...

Sunday, January 13, 2013
Help! My baby is turning into a reptile!!! Dealing with the infamous cradle cap...
We have all heard of it and many of us have had to deal with it, but what is it??? Well this is what medical world says about it...
Seborrheic dermatitis is a common, inflammatory skin condition that causes flaky, white to yellowish scales to form on oily areas such as the scalp or inside the ear. It can occur with or without reddened skin.
Cradle cap is the term used when seborrheic dermatitis affects the scalp of infants.
So now with all the fancy talk out of the way what do moms have to say about it??? IT SUCKS!! It makes babies fussy and miserable and can be very hard to get rid of. The good news is in most cases just changing your grooming routine will get it under control.
Our youngest had it pretty bad. At first we thought she was having an allergic reaction to the laundry soap we were using. After changing soaps it still didn't change. From her neck up she had this horrible rash that was now starting to become crusty and gross around her ears, nose and neck. We tried all kinds of lotions and nothing was helping. After some trial and error I found a way to really nip it in the butt.
First I started giving her baths daily. When I bathed her I would use her baby brush in a circular motion to exfoliate the areas where she had the rash. Note that this was not painful to her. Should you try this and your baby starts crying STOP. I also used Burt's Bees baby wash to clean her. The whole process took about 45 minutes as I wanted to make sure I removed as much of the flaky skin as possible.
After her bath I used a very heavy unscented or naturally scented lotion such as shea butter. I rubbed it into her body and also her scalp. Again, this was not painful to her so if your baby starts crying stop. I did this every day for a week and after the first day she had cleared up almost completely. After the week I cut down to every other day then every three days. This process was great for us because we avoided using drugs or unnecessary testing to diagnose and treat something that was a common childhood ailment.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Tattoos, Fighting, and Babies??? Say What?

So I got the chance to chat with an interesting girl a few days ago. Her name is Amber. Interestingly enough Amber is a amateur MMA fighter. She recently took a break from MMA to bring her beautiful little girl Lola into this world. Although Amber is in the amateur league she has been sponsored in the past by names such as Vitafight, Fightchix and One5fightwear to name a few. Now with her daughter being 10 months old she is back in the gym training with Maverick Training Center. Being that I am a huge MMA fan I will be keeping an eye out and you should too if you like to see those up and coming.
Amber with Pro MMA Fighter Tyler Davis in Canada |
Amber also started a really awesome network group to help people find MMA and Mommy gear from reputable sources. MMA Momma Is her blog but you can also find her on Facebook and Twitter
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